Pablo Picasso was the first child of Jose Ruiz Blasco and Mara Picasso Lpez. His father was an art teacher, freelance artist and curator at the museum. One might think that the art has been lying to him in blood. Among his many periods, such as the blue and pink period, Pablo Picasso was also a co-founder of cubism. This should be a very important genre, which stops still an important place in education. Cubism is basically divided into two categories. Analytical Cubism, which is the earlier, is therefore also earlier style. This came at around 1907 and lasted in Picasso's works until 1912. As a further development and innovation can be the second category, which took their time was 1913, the Synthetic Cubism. These Pablo Picasso created both a new art direction, as well as a modern design option that we know today, among others, still in the form of collages. In Synthetic Cubism Picasso devoted himself not only the separation of subjects into different geometric objects, ato achieve a specific crystalline structure and plasticity, but he went a step further. In synthetic cubism, he had made it his task to put these same themes again something together. This was done with the help of materials such as sand, wood and newspaper clippings. He described them as so-called objets trouvs. It is precisely this loss by the innovative inclusion of his works at their proper function, andthus they became decorative elements in Picasso's art. This was coupled with the creative artists sent graphic elements, such as shading and lines and thus created a synthesis of these two elements. This fact became the eponymous aspect of the style he created the art.
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