Within pure psychology and more specifically of Psychiatry, pessimism is one of the manifestations or most common symptoms of the disease of exogenous or endogenous depression or dysthymia. revistaconsumer.es on pessimism reminds us that we must not get caught by the pessimism, the worst thing is that who are keen to see the negative side of things, in addition to becoming unhappy people, have a painful ease to sour the lives of those with on the side, especially if the victims are children or young people, or emotionally dependent on the person always unsatisfied. Unpleasant experiences tend to tie us to the past and to inhibit us the future, because us condition and dread. Simplifying a little, give equal how go us things really, because if we show a negative and pessimistic bias, the blissful moments tamizaremos in excess and perceive them with suspicion and reservations, without scoring to our credit. Normally, the embittered tend to play the role of victim, a form of interpersonal communication in which (almost always to capture the energy and attention outside), assume one several of these roles: from Tracker, which makes wrong, interrogates and is perceived as a ready that knows everything and punishes or humiliates who believes that they are wrong; the Savior, who seeks that they recognize their kindly role but at the same time passing us constantly bills how much does, and the victim, whose approach to survival and communication is to pity others, catching his attention through the exhibition of their suffering. Us reminds Paul Watzlawick, in his book the art of sour life (Herder, 1989, Barcelona), who helps us to recognize our personal style in certain situations and gives us an excellent opportunity to reflect on the procedures by which a person is building a wretched life.
Watzlawick, resorting to irony, confronts us with modes that voluntarily we will creating and consolidating our unhappiness. The author, knowing nature contradictory and paradoxical human, rather than facilitate tips to achieve happiness prefers to disclose formulae to get us to live anchored in the misfortune. Of course, the purpose is that the Reader become aware of the error and reacts in a manner contrary to the proponents of these councils. Definitely, we suggest you not allow pessimism anchoring it, quite the opposite of step to the mood, you determine the scope, which he holds, what conducive pessimism, look for exits, stimuli that allow giving way to optimism and know the opportunity of life that has been given and live intensely. Don't forget what he says Charles Bukowski: almost always the best of life consists in doing nothing at all, spend time reflecting, mulling all of this. I say put that someone understands that everything is an absurdity, then cannot be so absurd because one is aware that it is an absurdity and this consciousness is what gives sense. Understand me? It is an optimistic pessimism. Original author and source of the article.
Watzlawick, resorting to irony, confronts us with modes that voluntarily we will creating and consolidating our unhappiness. The author, knowing nature contradictory and paradoxical human, rather than facilitate tips to achieve happiness prefers to disclose formulae to get us to live anchored in the misfortune. Of course, the purpose is that the Reader become aware of the error and reacts in a manner contrary to the proponents of these councils. Definitely, we suggest you not allow pessimism anchoring it, quite the opposite of step to the mood, you determine the scope, which he holds, what conducive pessimism, look for exits, stimuli that allow giving way to optimism and know the opportunity of life that has been given and live intensely. Don't forget what he says Charles Bukowski: almost always the best of life consists in doing nothing at all, spend time reflecting, mulling all of this. I say put that someone understands that everything is an absurdity, then cannot be so absurd because one is aware that it is an absurdity and this consciousness is what gives sense. Understand me? It is an optimistic pessimism. Original author and source of the article.
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