Special equipment is designed to transport various cargoes to transport interchanges. Can be equipped with a board-tipping. In the operation of machinery from China in the individual elements appear damage amounting to a denial of the item. This refusal, calling it the elementary, does not constitute a waiver of the object as a whole. As the number of Chinese parts damaged or faulty items machine efficiency decreases and increases the risk of an emergency.
In this case, the state machinery of China taking a state in which a certain amount of spare parts has refused or been damaged. Consider the problem of predicting resource machinery of China, believing that the total number of identical elements is very large, while at the time of the exhaustion of the resource relative number of failed elements is sufficiently small. In general basic element failures of nodes machinery of China, can not be considered independent. With an increasing number of failed items load on the remaining items vary depending on the sequence failure of individual elements. All this leads to the need to consider jointly continuous random processes of damage accumulation in individual cells and random point process describing the flow elementary failures. This raises some new machinery for the theory of reliability China probabilistic models.
In this case, the state machinery of China taking a state in which a certain amount of spare parts has refused or been damaged. Consider the problem of predicting resource machinery of China, believing that the total number of identical elements is very large, while at the time of the exhaustion of the resource relative number of failed elements is sufficiently small. In general basic element failures of nodes machinery of China, can not be considered independent. With an increasing number of failed items load on the remaining items vary depending on the sequence failure of individual elements. All this leads to the need to consider jointly continuous random processes of damage accumulation in individual cells and random point process describing the flow elementary failures. This raises some new machinery for the theory of reliability China probabilistic models.
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