Ol friends of the blogosfera, in our previous article already we speak on what blog is one and as functions, to reach the success with one blog is not an easy task, however, everything this depends exclusively on the author of blog. In this article, we will be placing some tips and advice for the first steps that must be followed by who desire to create one blog and to have success, or same for the beginning blogueiros. We know mainly that to create one blog in the present is a very easy task, with the automatic tools disponibilizada in the proper Internet, but when we think about creating one blog of quality that can be income-producing and to gain money of truth with it, the dumb thing of figure. She is necessary to acquire before any thing knowledge, that is, to search information necessary that they come to help in the creation, configuration, administration, spreading and rentabilizao of blog. If to make a research in google on the term ' ' as to create one blog' ' , we will have 40.000.000 results with links approximately related to the creation of blogs, they are tutorial tips, videos and explaining obvious ' ' as to create one blog' '. Of form some we want to undo or to menosprezar blogs that they approach this subject I specify, but we know that thousands of blogs have the custom to give the fish, some blogs give the pole to fish, we of blog secret money we prefer to teach to be a good fisherman, that is, being a good fisherman it will know to choose the pole and the correct place to fish. We know that to create one blog professional and to have success, is basic that before we need to acquire knowledge I specify, searching information necessary to develop a professional work.
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